WELCOME to the Great Michael Adventure!

Summon all of your courage and enter this castle, a place of shadowy ruins and outlandish New Age groupies.

The secrets of the universe may await you inside, but you will need both wits and brawn if you hope to successfully vie with the denizens within these walls. So enter through the door of destiny below and begin your quest to find the meaning of existence -- or at the very least, learn what the meaning is besides breathing.

Once inside, you must find the great spirit master, Michael. Only Michael can set you on the path to true enlightenment. Along the way, if you manage to plunder small villages and generally debase large segments of the population, well, that's fun, too.

Tip: To help with navigation, draw a map of the rooms you encounter.


PLEASE READ: This game is password protected. After clicking "enter" you will be asked
to add the following case-sensitive USER and PASSWORD information.

USER: fun

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